Contact Us

How to contact GrowingKids out of school care:

We are based at Inglewood Primary School, 33 Kelly Street, Inglewood


Follow our facebook page:

Text/call: 0274266859

Complaints or Concerns

All concerns by parents/caregivers and other external parties will be taken seriously.  Below is the process for receiving, considering, and resolving complaints.

Informal Complaints

If parents/caregivers have a concern about the Programme, they should first approach a staff member who will attempt to rectify the situation.

If a parent or caregiver feels their concerns have not been addressed, they should approach or contact the Programme Director/Manager Rachel at

Formal Complaints

If a parent or caregiver has a concern regarding misconduct of a staff member or volunteer, they should contact the Programme Director/Manager Rachel at who will attempt to rectify the situation.


Informal complaints

Verbal complaints to staff members will be responded to on the spot, if possible. If a staff member is unable to respond, they may politely explain to the parent/caregiver that they will consult the Programme Manager, and get back to them as soon as possible (within 48 hours).

Written and Formal Complaints

Formal complaints and other complaints made in writing will be responded to by the Programme Manager within a timely manner. Within 48 hours, the Manager will respond by email acknowledging the complaint. If the Programme Manager can provide an explanation or solution at this time, they should do so. If not, they should provide the complainant with a time frame as to when they will get back to them. Where possible, a mutually agreeable outcome will be sought.

If the parent/caregiver feels that their concern or complaint has not adequately been resolved by the Director of GrowingKids, and is in breach of the Social Services Accreditation Standards, the parent/caregiver can email SSA directly at with their:

  • name (unless they want to remain anonymous)
  • contact details (unless they want to remain anonymous)
  • the organisation’s name and address
  • details about the complaint.

If the parent/caregiver wants to remain anonymous, their complaint will be treated with the same level of importance. SSA will not be able to provide feedback for anonymous complaints.