Terms and Conditions

1. Payment Registration

1.1 GrowingKids Programmes: Enrolling in a GrowingKids Programme secures a booking for the days/times selected at the time of booking. Irrespective of attendance, unless prior notice that a child will be absent is given (minimum 48 hours), payment is still required and is expected by the date due on the invoice. Parents/caregivers and children are responsible for programme attendance.

1.2 Programmes Length: GrowingKids After school programme is from 3pm-5.30pm each weekday. Before school programme is 7am-8.30am.

1.3 Parents/Caregivers with casual attendance must book their known days in advance. We may be able to accept last minute bookings/walk-ins but a place isn’t always guaranteed.

1.4 Discontinued sessions: GrowingKids reserve the right to discontinue any child for reasons including but not limited to inappropriate behaviour and non-payment of fees.

1.5 Note: Programme fees will be reviewed yearly and at least one month’s notice, where possible, will be given of any change in price.

1.6 Programme Policies and Procedures: By booking your child into an OSCAR GrowingKids programme, you are agreeing to all terms and conditions set out in the GrowingKids Programme Policies and Procedures. The GrowingKids Programme Policies and Procedures have been approved by the Ministry of Social Development and are available at the GrowingKids programme venue.  Electronic copies are available on request.

1.7 Work and Income Oscar subsidies: Applying for an Oscar subsidy is the responsibility of parents/caregivers. GrowingKids takes no responsibility for ensuring documents are completed or sent to Work and Income. Parents/caregivers are responsible for paying full fees until such time they are granted a subsidy from the Ministry of Social Development.

1.8 GrowingKids reserves the right to apply late payment penalties to overdue invoices. Invoices that remain outstanding after 30 days and are not under payment arrangement will receive a flat rate late payment fee of $10 per invoice and may be referred to a third party for collection. All collection costs will be the responsibility of the parent/caregiver.

2. Refunds

2.1 No refund will be given where a session is missed unless GrowingKids has been contacted and advised of a child’s absence a minimum of 48 hours before the session commences. email office@growingkids.co.nz or phone/text 027 426 6859 with any booking changes. 

3. Child Health and Safety

3.1 Medical information. In the interests of the child’s well-being whilst in the care of GrowingKids, staff must be informed of any medical or other condition affecting the child.

3.2 GrowingKids is not responsible for children outside of the agreed programme time or for a child making their way to and from a programme venue. Where a child is attending any GrowingKids programme, the ‘Drop Off and Pick up’, ‘If a child does NOT attend when expected’ and ‘If a child has NOT been Collected at the End of the day’ Policies & Procedures will apply.

3.3 Health and Safety Emergencies: In an emergency situation where your child/ren needs immediate medical attention, staff will ensure that every effort possible is made to get hold of the parents/caregivers/emergency contacts. If contact is unsuccessful, I authorise any person (acting through the staff and employees of GrowingKids) in the event of any accident or illness to my child, to take all such steps as may be necessary for the proper treatment and care of my child (as advised by a duly qualified and registered medical practitioner).

3.4  Parents/caregivers are expected to be able to collect their child at any time if they become unwell or are identified as a health risk to other children at our programme.

3.5 GrowingKids OSCAR programmes are committed to the recognition and prevention of abuse of children within our programmes and the community and supports the roles of statutory agencies such as the Police and the Ministry for Vulnerable Children (Oranga Tamariki).

3.6 Failure to notify GrowingKids of a child’s absence will incur additional fees for the time spent confirming a child’s safety and whereabouts.

4. Privacy and Copyright

4.1 Advertising: GrowingKids will occasionally video / photograph sessions and may use video footage or pictures for promotional or training purposes. You agree to your child’s image/s being used, unless written notification to the contrary is provided at enrolment. If any images are going to be used more widely you will be contacted and an agreement arranged.

4.2 Personal details: GrowingKids will not share your details with any third party without your written consent except in the case of programme approval requirements through the Ministry of Social Development.

5. General

5.1 If your child attends a school other than the venue of the GrowingKids programme, I consent to my child travelling in the provided transportation with the GrowingKids staff member. A booster seat will be provided for children seven years and under.

5.2 Belongings: GrowingKids takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to children’s property while in our programmes.